Dana Wierenga

Counselling for Individuals, Couples & Families

Our Mission

Magnolia Lane aims to honour professional integrity and we consider it a privilege to come alongside others in humility, not assuming that we are of more stature, but rather to serve and consider others above ourselves. We believe strongly that each individual deserves to feel valued, that’s why we desire to help others see their worth and help them develop meaning by creating a trusting relationship to help them see that they are more than their situation(s).

Dana Wierenga

Counsellor, SSW

I am thankful to have the opportunity to open my doors in order to serve others through counselling, which I have had the privilege of doing since 2016. I launched Magnolia Lane Counselling Services in November of 2022 as I saw the growing need for support in and around my community. I hold myself not just to the practice and standards of OCSWSSW, but also to my personal values and beliefs through my faith in Jesus Christ. I provide a compassionate and non-judgemental approach and hope to assist individuals, couples and families to gain healing and true freedom.


Counselling Services


$80 / 60 min sessions

$115 / 90 min sessions

We are skilled in helping individuals navigate through:


•  Anxiety and Depression

•  Grief and Loss

•  Loneliness, Guilt, Fear

•  Hurt, Anger, Unforgiveness

•  Inner Healing


$115 / session

We come alongside couples and help facilitate a safe place where they are able to:


•  Develop skills for improving relationship

•  Break unhealthy patterns of behaviours

•  Improve communication

•  Renew a sense of confidence & self worth


$115 / session

We ensure each family member feels heard, acknowledged and safe through listening and mediating: 


•  Strategies to help resolve problems

•  Understand healthy boundaries

•  Attain awareness of belief systems within the family dynamics.


$80 / 60 min sessions

$115 / 90 min sessions

We are skilled in helping individuals navigate through:


•  Anxiety and Depression

•  Grief and Loss

•  Loneliness, Guilt, Fear

•  Hurt, Anger, Unforgiveness

•  Inner Healing


$115 / session

We come alongside couples and help facilitate a safe place where they are able to:


•  Develop skills for improving relationship

•  Break unhealthy patterns of behaviours

•  Improve communication

•  Renew a sense of confidence & self worth


$115 / session

We ensure each family member feels heard, acknowledged and safe through listening and mediating: 


•  Strategies to help resolve problems

•  Understand healthy boundaries

•  Attain awareness of belief systems within the family dynamics.

Book a Session

If you are looking to book a session please use one of the methods below or the form on this page to get in touch and I will respond in order to setup a time to meet.

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Counseling Service(s) Desired